Whittier Narrows
Nature Center
South El Monte, California
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Whittier Narrows Nature Center
1000 N. Durfee Ave.
South El Monte, CA 91733

There are over two hundred acres of natural woodland including four lakes that provide a winter sanctuary for migrating waterfowl. The nature center focuses on river environment and has a museum with graphic and live displays of plant and animal life. Other activities include hay rides, lectures, ranger tours, bird walks, and a junior ranger program. Open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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Links to My Photo Pages of  Whittier Narrows Nature Center
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Birds & Animals  Seen at this Location
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Hooded Oriole
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Cedar Waxwing
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Northern Mockingbird
California Thrasher
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Black Phoebe
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Snowy Egret (left)
Cooper's Hawk
Allen's Hummingbird
American Goldfinch
Snowy Egret
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Song Sparrow
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Cinnamon Teal
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Mallard Duck
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Great Blue Heron
Common Moorhen
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Double-crested Cormorant
IMGP3268.JPG (166829 bytes)
Lesser Goldfinch
IMGP3271.JPG (138486 bytes)
House Finch
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American Coot
IMGP3774.JPG (718702 bytes)
Black-crowned Night-Heron
IMGP3780.JPG (816076 bytes)
Great Egret
IMGP3795.JPG (464418 bytes)
Red-tailed Hawk
IMGP3814.JPG (536232 bytes)
Red-winged Blackbird
Pied-billed Grebe
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Mourning Dove
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Western Fence Swift
Cottontail Rabbit
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California Ground Squirrel
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Red Admiral Butterfly
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Cabbage White Butterfly
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Checkered White Butterfly
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Monarch Butterfly
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Gulf Fritillary Butterfly
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Red Fire Ants?